Cash Payout: Setup and make payouts on Clover (Feb 2020)

This app allows you to make payouts in your register. For example, deposit back, bottle refund, cash drop, payrolls, tips, lottery payout, video payout, rewards or other payouts to customers. You can set templates for auto-populate form with preset values during payout and export logs via our cloud service to Excel (xls) file.

Setup process:

  1. Install app.
  2. Open app.
  3. Set payout button name (appears in register app as tender). It's not required.
  4. Setup templates for often payouts. It's not required.
  5. Setup payout receipts. It's not required.
  6. Open register and in the "Pay" screen find a button with a name that you enter on step 3.
  7. Tap on the button and enter payout value and payout reason.


  • Remove cash from the register;
  • Accept money as payment;
  • Setup payout templates (money amount, reason, open or do not open register after this transaction);
  • Use reports to view or export payouts logs to Microsoft Excel file (xls).

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